Underground Fossils is run by Dimxsk and often by Trylemma, who is on a hip hop spiritual journey in the Himalayas and may not be back for a bit. Posts are every Friday, usually some quality old sh*t but sometimes promotional posts or "reviews". We do all we can to make sure we don't post stuff that (1) You can still reasonably buy from the artist directly, (2) You can reasonably buy secondhand for cheap, (3) You can download easily elsewhere, (4) The artist(s) asks us not to for any reason. Rips will include our own personal rips, old scene rips, and random web rips.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Simantic - Blue & Yellow (200?)



This is a picture of tape. It's a familiar brand, in fact too familiar so I blocked out the identifying features. But the reason I used this picture today is because the hip-hop folk rap weirdos from Texas known as Scotch Tape Portraits (not at all affiliated with the brand of tape possibly pictured above) are so indie that the only one who appears in any photographs online is Babelfishh, and I'm not sharing a Babelfishh album today. So no art for my post that makes any sense at all. Frustrating state of affairs.

Anyways, Scotch Tape Portraits was a group consisting of, according to Discogs, Fishh, E9ine and Simantic aka Richie Simantic. This is an EP by Simantic called Blue & Yellow. I have no album art or track titles, don't know when it came out either. I'm frantically looking both for more info on this and for any rips of more Household Nameless Records material. You would pretty much be my hero if you shared any of it.

But for now, here's this one. It's pretty damn good actually, for fans of Univac, Otem Rellik, Astronautalis, Edison / Papervehicle, Lewee Regal... You get the idea. Enjoy!




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