Underground Fossils was an indie rap focused blog run by myself (Dimxsk) and by Trylemma, who passed August 3rd, 2024 from liver failure of unknown origin at the age of 34. We mostly posted week or twice weekly, the bulk of which were rare rips we made, found on old blogs, he acquired through his insanely broad connection to the scene, etc. We did all we could to make sure we didn't post stuff that (1) You could still reasonably buy from the artist directly, (2) You could reasonably buy secondhand for cheap, (3) You could download easily elsewhere, (4) The artist(s) asked us not to for any reason. Being involved in this blog was some of the most fun I ever had, even if at times it was time consuming, challenging or intimidating (having a readership). It was the product of one of the best friendships I've ever had. If I could say one last thing, it's to encourage all of you: if you have the time and desire, make your own UGF. Find a friend who loves this shit like you do and build it together. It will bring you incredible joy, enhance your connection to this amazing community, and change your life in unexpected and exciting ways. I know it did mine. Love you all!

Friday, October 23, 2020

AndrRomak (Andrre & Roma) - Life Up There (2006)



So here we are again at the end of the week! As promised, to myself and all of you, I'm taking a step back this week and offering another download. It's down to the wire though, and I'm down to my proprietary algorithmic method of determining which fossil to post. After making it most of the way down the A's on my iTunes I came up with this.

I don't know if this is a real release. It does have a track from James P. Honey that is as far as I know unique to this EP so I assume it must be real, but the files are all mixed up and labeled like it was compiled by one of Andrre's many many fans. There is a lot of cool stuff on here though, and after I share a bit of background you can listen and find out what.

Roma's the DJ(ish) Andrre's the rapper(ish). One produces lush and haunting beats with a reliance on natural instruments such as keys and strings versus the far more common these days electronic spacey "trippy" sounds, the other raps and sings with a Quebecois accent that sounds like it lost a fight with a few cartons of Marlboros. I love both of them, and they work exceptionally well together. Andrre has some solo work as well as a full length album as AndrRomak out on Milled Pavement. Get it now.

Side note, Staplemouth of New Cocoon was supposed to do a project with Roma I believe. I heard a few tracks and found them frankly amazing so I hope that may still happen (hint hint).

Whether or not this release is a legitimate product of the names it bears, it's dope and I saw it first during my proprietary, absolutely not alphabetical scrolling based search of iTunes, so it's what y'all get for today.



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