Underground Fossils is run by Dimxsk and often by Trylemma, who is on a hip hop spiritual journey in the Himalayas and may not be back for a bit. Posts are every Friday, usually some quality old sh*t but sometimes promotional posts or "reviews". We do all we can to make sure we don't post stuff that (1) You can still reasonably buy from the artist directly, (2) You can reasonably buy secondhand for cheap, (3) You can download easily elsewhere, (4) The artist(s) asks us not to for any reason. Rips will include our own personal rips, old scene rips, and random web rips.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Yet Another UGF PSA?

No cute photo or anything today, or a music post either. Just a tip of the hat to the people sharing stories about our previous, former, no longer, Midwest (mostly) heroes. It's on their timeline and not on ours.

When stories about sexual assault come out, people can, and have, absolutely historically, lied - on both sides. When you're talking about legal criminal (and some civil) proceedings, I think it's critical to demand the highest level of evidence. When you're talking about your own thoughts and interpersonal connections, no such barriers need exist. Ask who would benefit, and to what extent, from a lie. The Prof, Dem Atlas, and Astronautalis stories don't come across as lies. I'm guessing I'll say the same thing about P.o.S., Grieves, and whosever truth drops tomorrow.

And it does hit closer to home as well. Remembering Busdriver's shit as well.


  1. For anyone (like me) who doesn't follow social media as much as they could Trylemma here is referring to a ton of sexual assault allegations made against a distressing amount of artists in the past few days including the ones he mentioned and a large number of them are connected to Rhymesayers and Slug. While Slug hasn't been accused (yet?) he did make it clear he doesn't care what his artists do as long as they sell music for him. Very sad to hear all this, but glad it's being made public. We deserve to know who we support, and artists should be made accountable and victims lifted up.
