Friday, September 2, 2022

Zucchini Drive - Goodbye Television Payback (2008)



You already know my stance on Stacs of Stamina. Dope. You can probably guess if I haven't outright expressed my stance on Cavemen Speak. Dope. I'll tell you my stance on the border crossing hybrid birthed by the two known as The World After 4/02. Dope. So can you guess my stance on Zucchini Drive?

Well I wish they rapped. I said it. I'm sorry. They have that unique combination of voices that makes for a very unique and very enjoyable rap collabo, a la Psycho Realm or Swollen Members and the work they did as The World After..., Vikings & Waffles was an instant classic and one of the best hip hop albums to come out of Europe in my humble opinion.

So I don't dislike Zucchini Drive. They're formidable producers, and interesting songwriters. They have an energy and vision that makes it fun to hear anything they've done, and I will always collect anything Marcus or Tom does as a rule.

Anyway enough complaining. Zucchini Drive's second full length album Goodyear Television Playhouse is that happy medium where they still considered themselves rappers first and europop singing sensations second. It's got some of them doing their best to hit the notes as they flow but for the most part it's dope rhythmic wordplay and fun songwriting. The lead single "Radical Days" with the one and only Radical Face is a virtually perfect song, which balances a sunny exterior with some darker imagery in a very interesting way.

Goodbye Television Payback is a remix album of that album they did, which has work from folks like Kaeoflux, Nomad, Thavius Beck, The Skyrider Band, Scott da Ros, dDamage etc.

It's pretty cool, and pretty hard to find as far as I know. So enjoy it!



Oh yeah I haven't checked how many people bothered to follow that link last week. If you did aren't you glad? Probably the rarest thing we've ever posted I believe. Scoop it up asap because I'm killing the link this weekend! I need to keep that one in reserve in case I run out of ideas...

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