Friday, August 26, 2022

Happy Birthday to Me! Regular Day to You!



It's my birthday! 35 years old! I'm going to give myself a present and not post anything. Sorry not sorry...

I'm immune to your disappointment.

See you next week.


  1. Happy B-Day!!! Enjoy your day and thank you for the gems you post!!

  2. Hi : )) If you stop counting from now on... You can stay 35 forever! Hope you had a cozy day, with your loved ones around you mate ... Take care. ☮★🅰

  3. Dude you are 50 Cent's twin brother Haha Happy Birthday.

  4. I know I'm late to the party, but Happy Birthday man! Huge thanks for all the gold you give us!

  5. Thanks guys, it was a great birthday!

    Looks like I can comment now lol. Anyway those of you in the states enjoy your holiday and have a good weekend everyone else.

  6. Hope you had a splendid birthday. Happy 35th Dimxsk!

  7. And As Always... I have to say thanks again for all the rare favorites. When I get the chance I will bless you with some more music. I am the cat that hooked u up with Re$tiform Bodied. Peace.

  8. *Re$tiform Bod1es. (This Stupid phone) haha
