Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Sankofa - Music With Friends (2008)

Got my booster a few days ago and I'm still thinking I'm not feeling so hot from it. My shoulder still hurts which is weird because I got it Thursday night but whatever. I'd rather have a sore arm than a shiny new headstone saying "Death by Stubborn Refusal to Face Reality".

That said, I'm just gonna do something everyone usually likes and offer up some free music. I have a few reviews in the pipeline and I haven't forgotten about you guys but given it's the silly season let's just put our feet up for a bit. Anyway Sankofa is a talented and seriously chill individual from Fort Wayne, Indiana that's been about it since a lot of us probably hadn't been born yet. Music With Friends is a collection of three little EP's he made with a bunch of different producers and put out for a bit before disappearing it. I REALLY like this one though and don't want to see it gone so here.

Kofa if you don't want this shared let us know, I'd be happy to take it down. But my man your old shit is amazing and for those of you who aren't familiar, his new shit is great also.

For tongue twisting conscious lyricism from a dude who looks like Santa Clause, enjoy Music With Friends.





1 comment:

  1. I used to see this cat out at Scribble Jam. He is very chill, and he possesses a great voice.
