Friday, December 10, 2021

Livestock - For My Man Sittin' on a Boat (2008)



What can I say about Livestock...

I'm waiting. Yes I was actually asking you. Fine whatever. I'll say that it's rare that a rapper can both come across as the weirdest member of the Plague Language Fam (oh yeah besides The Main... that guy and his clams..), and a family man who can write songs that will have you sobbing hysterically ("Wider Circles" is seriously beautiful.)

For My Man Sittin' in a Boat is to my knowledge a bit of a farewell to the rap scene. Livestock dropped some leftovers and quit the game to focus on family. Good for him. It's a great selection of songs with features from Baracuda, The Main and Koko Bonaparte. Good stuff.





  1. Thank you for this one. "The Afterlife of Jazz" is such a great album (and yes, I agree completely, "wider circles" is marvelous), and I've tried to find other album of his, without much success, for ages. Do you happen to have the album he made with Greysol, "Iridium 77"? It'd make a great post here on UGF.
    Thank you again for your work!

    1. Thank you so much for your interest. I do have that one although I was hoping to space out my artists a bit more. Can you drop us an email using the form below and I'll get it to you immediately? Or you could wait a bit until I run out of ideas and bring back the Hilarious Livestock to UGF lol?

  2. Yo thanks never heard this:) Agreed Livestock is so tight fr! If anything please link me more stuff too he took his bandcamp music down awhile ago. I'll send an email too if that's cool.
