Thursday, April 1, 2021

April Fuels: Scuba Chicken - After Death Collection (Unreleased Crap) (2020)



Every once in a while an artist comes around who's skill, talent, ability and gifts make you say "damn". I wanted to wait to share this stuff until my day tomorrow, but I was too excited. So, get an extra pair of underwear handy and feast your nose on this shit homies:



Wait wait don't worry, I've included a download of his music as well, since you were lucky enough to tune in today. It's an unreleased collection though, so it's pretty much his worst songs I guess. But considering how mind blowing and awe inspiring that video is, I think unreleased Scuba Steve would be better than Biggie on his best day and if you disagree then you probably secretly hate rap and maybe racism too.



Oh it's April Fools Day today huh? Maybe I should've posted a joke... Sorry... I'm gonna go do some butane fuel and try to come up with something. But what...

Note: UGF dose not condone the abuse of volatle solvints. Unless you wanna be cool like Scuba Chicken and get layed a lot.

Double Note: This dude sucks balls. April Fools.


  1. UndagroundPlaya96backwardsApril 6, 2021 at 2:14 PM

    If it was on Stones Throw, it couldn't be all bad, could it?

    1. You would think so... but you'd be wrong :-). It makes for interesting reactions when you play it for people though.

    2. UndagroundPlaya96backwardsApril 15, 2021 at 5:49 PM

      Finally got around to listening to some of his stuff on Spotify. It was... interesting. Weird to see tracks with PB Wolf, D-Styles, and Awol One though. Maybe we're just missing something?
