Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Kristoff Krane - Mixxy #3 (2010)



Hey ya'll. So Trylemma snatched up my desired review for this week (Deadpan Darling) leaving me with no burning need to post about any new releases (sometimes I actually prefer to listen to new stuff organically without analysis, and in a way I'm glad I'm not reviewing Deadpan Darling). Not that there isn't much good out there right now, we actually have a huge number of new albums available from folks like the vet Odessa Kane and Armand Hammer but I haven't had a chance to digest those. Anyway, short story long here's a download instead.

Kristoff Krane is in my opinion one of the most interesting voices to come out of the Midwest indie rap scene. Toeing the line between folk, punk and rap a la Ceschi and Astronautalis (sigh what a shame that guy...) with a serious nice guy positive vibe, Krane has been smashing genre boundaries and rapping like crazy for at least 15 years as a member of the amazing live band Abzorbr and Saturday Morning Soundtrack with Ecid, as well as his solo efforts culminating in the fantastic Kairos Pts. 1 & 2.

Mixxy #3 is a very long and very solid compilation of collabs, unreleased singles and freestyle sessions that was available briefly on his Bandcamp and then taken down inexplicably. The other 3 "Mixxys" were up there much longer and are now also gone. His overarching compilation I Freestyle Life (2005-2013) (available here) basically takes the best of all of these and offers them in one place, but it's no replacement for the fun, imagination and talent found in these little mixtapes and they should be experienced in the form they were intended.

I had to join and escape from one of those shady bootleg MP3 sales websites to get this album (the pay monthly until you manage to convince us to let you off the hook type joints). It was the last place I could find it. As a fan of Krane I knew I needed this, and even with my extremely extensive collection of Midwestern rap this mixtape contains 19 songs I'd never heard before. So with that, enjoy!




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