Sunday, August 4, 2024

RIP Trylemma



Hey all,

It is with the heaviest of hearts that I want to announce Trylemma passed away last night at 11:30. He did so with family and friends nearby and tremendous support and love from the community. I can't even describe how inspiring it was to see that especially. Dude was getting songs written for him, private concerts.. ask your Swiftie friends if Tay Tay would visit their deathbed? I dunno, maybe. But anyway.

This is very recent, and while Trylemma and I had grown really close in the last few years, I don't want to put too much out there ahead of his family and closest friends (although we had a really beautiful meet-up recently and I think it's fair to say he was one of my best friends). So I will actually keep this one brief.

That said, there is some news related to his final wishes... Namely, Trylemma and his best friend Rebecca worked together to put out a beat tape from some of his favorite producers. The tape is gorgeous, professionally manufactured and comes with an amazing zine containing tidbits about his life, favorite songs..oh, and a scavenger hunt leading to the location of "a treasure" from his massive collection.

So that is potentially going up for sale soon. I will keep you updated, but beyond posts about that tape, this is officially the end of UGF. Much love to all of you for your support over the years, and if anyone is moved to say something about Trylemma (real name Shane) please don't hesitate to send a message directly to me and I will be sure his friends and family see it.

"Try and tell your peoples you love 'em before it's too late." -Lucas Dix


  1. I'm seriously heartbroken by this. Trylemma was one of the most intelligent people in this scene. He knew so much history, things and artists in the scene. I learned SO much from him. Shoot, without him I would never have found this blog, become a fan of New Cocoon, K. Clifton, Knowmads and so many artists I can't even name them all. A lot of my own research on RYM is thanks to his knowledge and inspired by his own work.

    I made a RYM list in memoriam for him:

    I'm gonna be watching out for that tape. Gonna throw on some Factor for today. And Dimsxk, if I ever find anything from your wantlist, I'll be in contact.

    RIP Trylemma and UGF. Thanks for everything man.

    1. This is Brotherman Trill correct? He thought really highly of you man. I wish I could recall exactly what he said, but yeah.. Thank you so much for the kind words. And the list is dope!

      Oh btw the Lucas Dix quote is just the last sentence lol. The rest is vintage Dimxsk. I'm gonna edit and add quotation marks lol.

  2. I never met Shane in person but I've been in regular contact with him these last few months, deepening the friendship we've established on RYM more than ten years ago and hoping to provide at least some form of normalcy. I knew that eventually there will be a message that he won't be able to answer anymore, that the next update won't be in the form of a DM.
    I wish his close friends and family all the best. Rest in Peace, friend.

    1. I knew him for a decade as well and only met in person once near the end. If I learned one thing from this it's to value these digital relationships. You sound like a close friend to me.

    2. I learned the same as I was crying a lot these last few weeks leading up to it, knowing that he'll pass soon. I sent him a package overseas and was happy that he received it in time. His heartfelt response to that package was the last thing I heard from him.

  3. Hey Trylemma... Wish I would know you better. Regret not having written more. You're somewhere else now, surrounded by music, a world of hip-hop, full of street corner cyphers in your favorite season, surrounded by smiling faces and you can't stop being amazed. We stay on this site, we are very sad. We will never forget you. You are deeply connected to us in our hearts and through our favorite records. Take care. cheers.

  4. RIP Shane.. sleep amongst the stars.. (hazmat79/WuRM)

  5. Very sad. Been checking in periodically here for years, you've turned me on to so much beautiful rare stuff. In fact, there's still a goodly-sized chunk i haven't listened to yet, so i expect i'll be listening for many years to come. Thanks for your steadfast dedication to this lonely little corner of the internet. RIP Trylemma.

    "There are footprints embraced far out on the frozen lake face
    Depressed and kept from quite some cold ago
    And they look brave, dangerous, man-made
    The sort of mark one can make on the world."

    1. That is extremely high praise coming from you! I love your work. I showed Trylemma and he agreed. And that quote is absolutely spot on. Shane was a trailblazer and you can't dig into indie rap without seeing Trylemma somewhere.

  6. Hello all. This is terrible but not unexpected news. Not being hooked into social media, saw just now on this site after unexpectedly wondering how he was doing these last few days. Energy speaks. It is very sad news.

    Shane and I met through Discogs last September or October. During our exchange I was delayed in responding to one of his messages due to a very out-of-the-blue hospitalization. When this was related, he came back very shortly afterwards to say that the same thing, tho for a different reason, had just happened to him too! We marveled at the universe's weird sychronicities and how this musical niche of ours can bring people together. His contributions to various platforms really improved our shared knowledge base.

    Amongst other features, my friend, you will be missed for your graciousness, your warmth, your intelligence, and your passion. The world is poorer for your passing. But it is much richer for your having been here. Thank you and godspeed.

