Friday, September 8, 2023

Bleubird - Does Man's Short Life Span Make Sense? (Hoople) (2002)


Well, does it? A question for the ages and a cover for your nightmares. Figured this one was pretty rare, although I don't know what this guy's doing these days. Maybe making another Hurricane Party...? Fingers crossed.

Anyway you guys probably know Bleubird, crazy rapper from Florida who manages to blend comedy, art rap and mainstream style Dirty South and is even occasionally successful at it. Not gonna lie, when his music isn't good it's REALLY not good, but when it's good it's pretty damn good. He's got technical skill and a very weird sense of style. Not for everyone, but certainly a fossil worthy of our attention.

"Enjoy" Does Man's Short Life Span Make Any Sense (Hoople)!




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