Friday, February 17, 2023

milo - Black American Gun Club Beat Tape (2017)


Today take a little listen to milo's "Black American Gun Club" beat tape from 2017! 

"Black American Gun Club" is a single file 25 minute beat tape from the artist formerly known as milo (currently RAP Ferreira and Scallops Hotel.) The beat tape was originally only available via milo's now defunct patreon. The beats here (a couple which might be familiar) are soulful and lingering and reminiscent of the "Who Told You To Think?!?!" era (one of my favorite albums from the man - I actually own that one of one beat tape too, perhaps I'll rip it someday hehe.) 

So DL below and enjoy the weekend!

Black American Gun Club

1 comment:

  1. I watched Rory's live set in Columbus, OH, a few months ago, and he opened with some Blues cuts he had been working on. I almost enjoyed them more than when he began rapping. He's a great talent.
