Friday, January 27, 2023

Dead Indians - Indian Affairs (2005)



Well it's a new year and a new beginning for UGF. Trylemma is back in effect and as you read last week we now have a biweekly(ish) segment we're calling Breaking Ground where we introduce each other to music we're not familiar with and record the results for posterity. I promise you that it will not only be as (hopefully) interesting to read as our old, obsolete New Album posts (with a cooler on brand name) but I think it's safe to say that if one of two heads with collections going back to the turn of the century hasn't heard something chances are many of you haven't as well, meaning most of us are probably going to discover some classics we've been sleeping on for years.

That said... ground isn't getting broken this week. Soon my friends.

 Anyway, as much fun as I sometimes have writing this blog I have to admit that I also do it for some selfish reasons. For one thing I got good people like DJ Kaohtix sending me music from my public wantlist and in the process giving me new shit I wasn't aware of. Some of you who've been viewing UGF since the beginning (2019, before the world moved on...) remember I made a promise to share that stuff with ya'll, and I'm seriously doing it one week at a time. So here's a great one from our neighbor to the North, Dead Indians on Indian Affairs.

This one is fire. Political hip hop from the Indigenous perspective. Homemade sound and mastering quality but the lyrics are dope and the passion is real. Definitely an important piece of Winnipeg rap, and try as I might I couldn't get any decent background info on this. They all sound so young it's hard to be sure who is who, and I don't know anyone from that areas real names which is all the album art drops on us.

DJ Moves does a halfway decent mini-interview over at Living Underwater here. I'll just end with that so enjoy!





  1. much love man, love helping out the blog.

  2. I was not aware of the mini-interview. Thanks for posting.
    The name of the crew has for me a much sadder meaning now after the recent discoveries of genocide and ethnocide in Canada.
