Friday, December 2, 2022

Dreamy Meat Cleaver - EP (2003)



Recently I was very generously given a collection of rips from the Household Nameless collective (as well as a huge selection of hip hop from the somewhat derisively termed "flyover" states.) To this charitable comrade, you know who you are, thanks!!!! And for the rest of ya'll, as per my promise going back years I will pass on anything gained from having this blog to you, our awesome readers. In that vein (Vain? Vane?), here is Dreamy Meat Cleaver!

This could not be a more interesting ensemble. We've got Babelfishh, Edison, and Samiam (as well as "Lacey" and a name written in illegible cursive that I can't decipher. Sorry if that was any of you.). It didn't take long to figure out that Samiam is Sam King, aka Lewee Regal who is absolutely dope singing or rapping with one of the most distinctive voices in the game right now. Lucky for all of us he's been working with Ceschi and Fat Mike of NOFX to put out a punk rap album that is already shaping up to be the album of the decade (save for the D.O.C.'s cringe worthy line about fingering people who probably don't want to be fingered on "Fast Ones". Damn shame too because that track is mindblowing. I'm doing my best to block that bit out.)

You can probably figure out what this is just from that list of names. It's abstract hip hop with folk punk overtones, sporting fantastic production the likes of which only Edison has ever really been capable (while that's not true it sounds good, and I do have a very high opinion of Edison's skill level as a producer).

Anyway enough from me. Enjoy!





  1. Not heard this for a long time. I bought 5 or 6 CD's from Household Nameless back in the day and this was one of them. Cool shit.

  2. Pretty close to my heart. Need more Lewee Regal.
