Friday, April 29, 2022

The Most - A.O.K. (2003)



Happy Friday y'all! Time to take it way way back, to a time long ago called the early 2000's, when two New Haven brothers formed a trio with another dude named Jay Scarafiello and decided to make weird sing songy hip hop in the vein of Imprints and Shapeshifters. The result is just as out there as it sounds.

The Most is essentially Anonymous Inc. minus a lot of what made them so amazing (live instrumentals, good songwriting, Max Heath) but it does have it's moments. And both Ceschi and David Ramos have enough talent to make just about anything sound good.

That said this is mostly for the hardcore Ceschi fans out there, and be warned there's a reason it's never resurfaced. Hopefully he doesn't mind if I share this. It's a great fossil and definitely hard to come by...


Enjoy A.O.K.! Oh and by the way, definitely check in a week from today because I caught a glimpse of what Trylemma's offering up and you don't want to miss that...




  Note: There appears to be a single image file of this album cover floating around. I have never seen a larger, higher resolution image, it's clear someone scanned a jpeg back before we could all do it at home. This can't be all there is. Does anyone have good cover art for this one?

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