Tuesday, April 19, 2022

New Music: AG Flux - Long Winter


As I get older, I find myself listening to more and more instrumental Hip Hop and AG Flux's recent "Long Winter" album has been at the top of the list over the past week. 

AG Flux is a member of the mountain-state collective Black Mask as both a rapper and producer. Most of his output recently has been beat-based. "Long Winter" is a collection of 8 lush and colorful instrumentals that deliver full length song punches. Think a slightly more ambient version of fellow Black Mask member Maulskull's production. I can definitely relate to the title as well as we recently got 3+ inches of snow up here in the middle of April lol! 

Peep it below!

Long Winter

1 comment:

  1. I've been loving these instrumental albums he's been putting out he's getting even better at producing since his last album which really makes me wanna hear another ag flux album with vocals
