Friday, November 12, 2021

Knuck Feast - Knuck Feast (2007)



For some reason, when I listen to Ceschi's rap I find myself reminded strongly of the Georgia crunk legend Lil' Feisty. The similarities are undeniable although it couldn't possibly be the same man who wrote the ultra depressing "Bad Jokes" and the ultra violent "Huntin' Season". Although they can both rap with precision at extremely high speeds.

Anyway, since everyone already knows that this record is basically Ceschi and David Ramos I'm gonna just stop with the theatrics. If you're unfamiliar, this is pretty much the only full length album where you can hear these brothers go hard as fuck, albeit with some of the most ridiculous lyrics you've ever heard put to beats. It is very much a fun listen though, and since I just discussed the polar opposite release This Guitar Was Stolen Along with Years of Our Lives on Tuesday I figured what the hell.

Not sure if this is available for download anywhere. I'm gonna put it up here until the police make me remove it ;-).




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