Friday, November 26, 2021

Estrella - The Good Mixtape (2007)

Happy Black Friday! For those of you outside America, in the US today is the day after Thanksgiving which kicks off the Christmas shopping season. This involves time honored and cherished traditions like assaulting retail workers ears with brainless Christmas music, the Slow Shopper Curb Stomp and my personal favorite, ye ol' filling up of the inbox with spam offers from stores you made single specific purchases at 15 years ago and always forget about until this special day rolls around again. For example, did you know that "Careless Whisper Garden Gifts" is having a 75% off sale on all carrier oils?

In all seriousness I'm writing this on Thanksgiving, which as many Americans become more sensitive to the history and feelings of others is becoming a more and more complicated holiday. I'm taking some time today to think about the people who lived where I'm writing this before they were systematically removed through violence, systemic racism and disease. Maybe I can view this holiday more as an opportunity to be thankful for the fact that despite that we have a very diverse country, as opposed to the opportunity to be thankful that a few white people didn't starve to death and celebrated it through a massacre. Hopefully that's not too preachy. It is, at least, sincere on my end.

Speaking of positivity (sort of), today's share is from Bellingham, WA's own Estrella, a collaborative effort between Taybot and Dusk, currated by DJ Seawa. As usual I know very little about these folks but a quick search turned up a MySpace with an article that I think sums up nicely why they fit into what I'm talking about today. I've included that screenshot in the download because it's a well written article that sums this up nicely.

So enjoy The Good Mixtape's good vibes, and stay safe out there this holiday season!





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