Tuesday, May 11, 2021

New Music: Happy Tooth - The Laughter's Rehearsed



Well, those of you who've been following us for a while know that Happy Tooth and his oftentimes collaborator / co-conspirator Dug have been mentioned here quite a bit by yours truly. The truth is that ever since they gave me the chance to take an early listen to their live band EP All in Your Head (it's seriously fucking good, just click the tag below to find my post on it!), I've done myself the honor of becoming invested in their success. Yes, it's true that our humble blog has probably not rocketed the duo to fame. However, they have been semi-regularly sending material to me for review and in my mind they've really been a big part of the project that is UGF, as the first artists to offer us a preview of their work.

So, when Happy Tooth sent me this gem just asking that I check it out and let him know what I thought, I was truly excited. And not disappointed. I've basically bought everything this guy and Dug have done, and I can tell you from the perspective of a real fan this is probably the rappers best work.

Entirely produced by Bum Theory, a frequent beatmaker who's work with Happy Tooth on I've Been Meaning to Write the Meaning of Life back in 2018 did a lot to elevate the lyricism and cultivate the proper mood for the music, this album has a sound that certainly fits with the art and title. The Laughter's Rehearsed is an album about the false attitudes we adopt as survival mechanisms, and the production fits. Cheery in a dizzy carnival sense, with a distinct undercurrent of menace. Happy Tooth feels that uncomfortable emotions have value, and Bum Theory really works to communicate that sentiment with production that's challenging sometimes but ultimately rewarding. And in many places as someone who used to pretend to produce beats, I was left in awe of the cleverness he displays. Basically this sounds almost nothing like anything you've heard before, and it will require an open mind but I promise you it's absolutely dope.

Now the lyricism is next level good and I cannot stress that enough. Basically at all times you find Happy Tooth on point, balancing clever wordplay, brutal honesty and a supremely unique vocal quality. He can put together lines that have you scratching your head, but upon reflection have you grinning like an idiot. Basically he's gotten really, really good in the three years since his last solo effort, and how can you not like a humble dude who spits poems about haunted lamps, Covid deniers and his own lamentable lack of fame?

In summation (damn my college English professors would hate me for that one), on May 31st you're going to find this one on streaming services everywhere, and especially for sale right here at our favorite musical marketplace.


So do yourself a real favor and check it out. Peace!

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