Friday, April 30, 2021

Babel Fishh - Exit Lever (2004)



Hey! So for today I've got this, one of the aforementioned Babelfishh's earliest efforts going back a shocking 17 years... an era when no one knew covid nor covfefe and life simpler, sweeter and more orgasmic. Unless I misremember.

I picked this one because I don't feel like I need to explain much since I did already on Tuesday and I'm feeling quite lazy. This is the same weird nasally voiced fishh, although doing a very different sound. Less Moodie Black more Why?, the droning static and distortion is muted in favor of jazzy acoustic samples and lo-fi drums.

This is not one of my favorites of his, it's very strange and in places too strange to truly enjoy. That said, it's still interesting and it does have it's moments. Later in his career he figured out a good balance between songwriting and creative exploration and releases like The Use of of and Father's First Musket are in my opinion some of his best work.




1 comment:

  1. My hero, who with his incomparable nature is an absolutely exceptional talent for me!
