Tuesday, March 16, 2021

New Music: Extra Kool - HRTBUURN Vol. 5: The Trash Tape



Happy Tuesday folks! I hope some of you are choosing to hop on the vaccination train. I was reticent at first about it (rush engineering and all that) but because of my job I was able to get my first shot and figured what the hell. It's going to allow me to travel again eventually is my guess. Anyway aside from a (really) sore arm the next day I feel fine. Got my second shot at the end of the month, hope all goes well. That's my plug for a return to normalcy, here's to that...

And now this. Extra Kool has a new "album" type  thing! Clocking in at just under 12 minutes, HRTBUURN Vol. 5: THE TRASH TAPE is probably really dope because Kool is always really dope. With an irreverent style of rhyming that has evolved over the years from verbose in the extreme to chill perfection, a new wave dark pop sound and a relatable personality (for me at least) I always enjoy his work. It helps to have production from some very talented individuals such as Awareness of calm. Dirty Laboratory always kills it.

So I haven't listened to this one all the way through yet. I wanted to get a post out there but I'm seriously swamped. From what I can tell skimming it this has some seriously dope production, more of Kool's trademark sincerity and some catchy ass songwriting. So what I'm thinking I'd love is if some of you guys checked this out (paying that $1 if you can afford it) and then commented below with your thoughts. Don't ruin it for me, constructive criticism only if you don't like it. That's always a possibility I guess when an artist calls their own album "trash". If you don't feel like it then you can just consider this a promo post for an artist who I really respect and enjoy.

So basically I'm asking ya'll to do my job for me. I'm sorry. And keep the requests coming, we had one but he retracted it so basically I'm lost as to what I should upload this week...

Enjoy HRTBUURN Vol. 5: the Trash Tape, only available here for the low low price of $1... and let me know what you think because I'm seriously curious!

See ya'll Friday!


  1. @Dimxsk If the request that was retracted was mine, you could still upload it, I'm sure a lot of people would appreciate it! I retracted it so other people's request would come earlier, since I didn't need it, but I'm sure other people would still like it. :P

    1. Yep, I mentioned it so you'd know we heard you. I actually did think of something cool for tomorrow so we're good. Maybe one of us will do your original request soon (no spoilers).
