Tuesday, February 2, 2021

RIP Double K / People Under the Stairs - Redheaded Stepfather: The Fake Leak (2006)



I just got the news (Sunday afternoon as I write this post)... RIP Double K. Some of the most amazing production ever heard in hip hop was the result of this man's amazing talent and willingness to forge ahead without mainstream recognition. Back when indie rap was something only the most hardcore heads cared at all about People Under the Stairs were doing it better than so many others who's songs you couldn't escape from, and doing it for the love and allowing everyone this blog was built to speak about the chance to contribute music showcasing their own love and admiration for the art.

I will just say that the first time I heard "San Francisco Knights" was one of the moments when I really started to understand how genius sampling could really be. It basically prompted me to collect everything these guys had ever done, and at a time (I think I was 17?) when I was determined to take my love for music way to seriously to be healthy it also convinced me that great hip hop didn't have to consist of weird or irritating sounds and incomprehensible lyrics, so basically these guys saved me from a lifetime of probable douchebaggery.

Speaking of not taking things too seriously, P.U.T.S. has always been about good times and fun, and while this news is terrible it's given me the opportunity to look back on probably the most important album ever released in rap. Redheaded Stepfather:The Fake Leak is so good it's practically mind blowing, and if you haven't heard it before you really need to cancel your plans and listen. It's that groundbreaking and insane.

So RIP Double K, thank you for capturing the good times with your music and making every track resonate life and love.




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