Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Pen Thief Records


Pen Thief Records officially went "live" this New Year's, and they're a label a lot of you may want to pay attention to. The label is ran out of Germany and is headed by super-producer Noblonski. The label acts as a European sister-label to the Canadian Saskatoon Folk Rap Records (ran by Epic and Chaps) and the American Audio Recon (ran by Id Obelus.) 

Pen Thief focuses on limited edition physical products and they just dropped a special edition of Rob Crook's "Introducing the Ghost." They also dropped the "Winter Collection 2021" compilation, which features previously released and previously unreleased tracks from people like Epic, Ceschi, Chuckchee, Chadio and others. 

You can peep Pen Thief's Bandcamp HERE. They plan on dropping a special edition of Nolto and Dren's "Sit Down Comedy" next! 

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