Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Neila - Searching for Prajna (The 96-2000 Years) (2001)


Hello friends, and a happy 2021 to you all. I'm writing this on Monday night, and I usually get this stuff done ahead of time... So I figured I'd just throw up this gem by Neila, who I've already written on and named one of my top emcees of the decade, so just click the tag for more. Thanks go out to an OG blogger who pretty much introduced me to indie rap, so props! I'm sure if you see this you know who you are. Anyway, this is a collection of Neila's older material that sounds great and showcases all of her ingenious rhymes and one of a kind personality on the mic. Basically just download this, don't even think about it just do it.

I'm in a weird place tonight and I wanted to write on it a bit. A coworker of mine who I work closely with (not necessarily friends but I did like him) just lost his wife to Covid. Friday she was fine, Saturday she woke up with a fever, Sunday she was in the ICU and Monday we get the news that she passed. Covid is not a joke if you're still one of those living in denial. This shook me the fuck up and I hope it does you as well. We do strictly music here but Trylemma and I also don't live in a vacuum, so I'm perfectly okay sharing this with all of you. Appreciate your loved ones, keep them safe and keep yourselves safe as well. And enjoy music because I think we can all agree it's one very big reason to stay above ground.