Friday, December 25, 2020

Father Scott Unlimited - Sweet Potatoes (2002)



Any Educated Consumers fans out there? No?? Okay no post this Friday then. Go get your awesome free music somewhere else...

Well since I already went to all this trouble to track this album down, rip it, tag it and upload it, I guess I'll post it. Just know how deeply upset I am by your lukewarm interest in such a dope ass group like Consumers.

Sorry, weird mood this morning as per usual. Anyway Father Scott Unlimited is a little known project put together in the early 00's by a group of emcees out of Washington (the district not the state) with the humble names of Napoleon Da Legend, Jesus and also the well known Seez Mics.

I can't say much that wasn't already said better by UGSMAG here. That's one of the few mentions of this album I can find online. I will say I remember really liking the smooth, professional sound of this album and thinking the combination of the intelligent rhymes and seamless production makes it worthy of far more attention than it gets. So enjoy!

Oh and in writing this early I didn't realize what day it was gonna land on. Merry Christmas to some of you, and absolutely Happy Holidays to the rest. If you don't like my inclusive attitude then you should ask yourself why inclusive bothers you so much.




  1. this will def replace my rip from slsk. Its really dope, the song "Sweet potato" is one my personal fav hiphop song of year 2002. Thanks

  2. sweet!im looking foward to checking this out! i think seez mics is a very underated MC, im sure i still have some old battle dvds lying around where i first noticed him (brainstorm or scribble jam? cant remember,even though he didnt do well in those battles i really liked his flow , and when i copped ''write hear'i thought to myself this guys flow and voice reminded me of the great sage francis...and sure enough he put out an album on strange famous would have been great if they could have followed up write hear with another solid me write hear is a CLASSIC!!!!
