Friday, November 6, 2020

Optimystic Populists - Syntactical Assault (2004)


Straight out of Humboldt County, and by request from our amazing readers comes Optimystic Populists' debut EP Syntactical Assault. I've always been a fan of that SC Mountains style sound, and JtheSarge and Pendragn offer it up in a way that reminds me of the homies JKC but without the sometimes cringe worthy nerd factor that makes me want to roll the windows up (I say that with nothing but love).

This album to me helps to define Sarge's later work, as he offers opinionated political fast raps over classic sounding beats, all the while sticking to the NorCal sound. That's really about all I have to say about it. Nothing truly groundbreaking here, Sarge did that when he hooked up with M9 and started rapping adventure comics. This one is just dope underground rap that if you found this blog, you'll like for sure.