Friday, November 13, 2020

Bastard Patriots - Bastard Patriots (2010)


Today's post is a more obscure entry from the Sandpeople catalog - Bastard Patriots' self titled debut from 2010. Bastard Patriots consisted of Randolph Mctools (of Harvard Joeys) and Jon the Baptist. Jon is best known for being a co-founder of the Sandpeople, though he parted ways (on not so amicable terms,) with the group early on. He is also the (biological) brother of Sleep of Oldominion. 

The duo was heavily politically based, as made evident on this album (their sole release) where the many failings of the government are addressed head-on (industrialism, police brutality, drug laws, militarism...) Some hardcore braggadocio and a dash of metaphysical raps are thrown in for good measure as well - think a less cringy West Coast version of Jedi Mind Tricks. The production is very rough and rugged and is handled by Flavordisk, Coley Cole, Pale Soul, $imple, and DJ Zone. The sole feature on the album comes courtesy of NW head honcho Onry Ozzborn. 

As noted, this was the duo's sole release. A second release was planned and was partly recorded, but was ultimately never finished and, due to some personal reasons, the duo eventually parted ways. McTools began focusing on other artistic pursuits (he has a great art collection) and Jon the Baptist, as far as I know, faded to black. 

Peep the album below! 


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