Wednesday, October 28, 2020

New Music: Escape Artists - Evergreen


It was a nice little treat last year when the Escape Artists Bandcamp page upped the new unreleased "Theta Metronome EP" from Aamir and Cognition. Updates and messages continued to go out after and I was hoping for a new full project in the future. And now we've got it in the form of "Evergreen." 

Apparently, "Evergreen" was first conceived of in 2006, but kept getting pushed to the backburner as other projects took precedence. Luckily, the crew finally got together again and put the finishing touches on this batch of songs! And for those of us who enjoy that left-field Escape Artists sound, Aamir, Xczircles, and Ahmuse do not disappoint! Features include the expected left-field all star gallery - Riddlore, Ngafsh, Sach, 2Mex, Awol One, Existereo, L'Roneous, Penny, Subtitle, Jizzm, Rifleman, Raj, EVS, and more! 

Peep the album HERE

1 comment:

  1. It's really rare that a crew releases such a mass of albums and regularly surpasses this enormously high quality. Most of my favorite artists I can't always hear. Often they only fit to certain moods."Escape Artists", on the other hand, always works. Never bothered me before.When I hear "Ahmuse's" voice in a new track, it's usually immediately obvious that it's an "all time favorite". Fantastic album! Thanks for Post... By the way, people who don't know "Nadasdi & Rodan" should give it a try. Very similar.
