Friday, September 11, 2020

Mad Squirrel - Bear With Me (2003)



Okay, so I'm coming down to the wire once again this week and I had to pick something to post for you lovely folks. I vaguely remember someone requesting this one a few months ago though. At the time I didn't have it, but Trylemma worked his magic and managed to dig this up recently. Awesome.

So I haven't had a chance to even listen to this yet. I included two versions because one is apparently not so great, the other is supposedly better. You can decide. It's a tape rip, so keep in mind it's gonna sound like a tape rip. If you're even reading this you probably have hundreds of those though so why am I saying this? It's Thursday night, I've been awake since 3:30 for work. Oh that's why.

Anyway Mad Squirrel is a key member of the many years defunct Bay Area based Forest Fires Collective. His flow can sort of be compared to a weirder Kirby Dominant, but the truth is he's got a sense of style and poetic sound that's all his own. His work with the FFC is good, as is his work with Blake 9 as The Acorns. Those albums are all fairly easy to find, but this number is not.

This album, like most FFC material is produced by both Edison Victrola and Feller Quentin. You can find a few more albums by Quentin here, just click that tag! His work is great and I actually made that Latter tape rip so I'm proud of it.

Wow I'm tired and I need dinner. You guys just ignore me and listen to some dope West Coast underground now okay?





  1. Thanks alot. Can't believe this finally surfaced

  2. Thanks for this! Do you have any more FFC projects?
    As the forest fires rage, this seems like an appropriate time to shine a light on this very slept on crew..

  3. I might just ask him if he has a copy of it somewhere stashed. He must still enjoy it since the tape is listed in his biography on academia
