Friday, September 25, 2020

Brzowski - General Surgery (2004)



Surprise! For this Friday's post I'm not prepared... again... Life gets in the way doesn't it? Oh well, I was thinking about it and I figured now would be a good time to share one of my holy grails that was finally unearthed by the homie Ludz.

General Surgery is the second unofficial album from Brzowski, who's career and credentials I discussed at length two weeks ago, so I won't go into too much of that here. But let's just say this little gem is a great way to get introduced to his earlier work, assuming of course you've already peeped our first post and picked up his very first album New England Gothic. Now that you have both maybe it's time to give that The Subjugation of Bread a listen right over here? Just a thought.

Brzo, if you're reading this maybe you can offer some specifics on this album. My understanding is this is an unofficial compilation of collabs, singles and demos that was offered up for promotional purposes. It contains some great tracks, most of which are impossible to find elsewhere.

Anyway I feel like Brzo wouldn't mind me sharing this but if I'm wrong please let us know dude. UGF is all about Brzowski and Milled Pavement, if you've been sleeping then wake the fuck up.



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