Tuesday, August 25, 2020

New Music: Hecatomb - Hecatomb Cometh: New Blood



Hey guys, welcome back to UGF's album review day. So for this post I'm gonna have to actually keep it brief this time as, not only have I not had a chance to give this one a listen yet but considering it's a whopping 38 tracks I know I won't have time. I do however want to promote this as I have a ton of respect for this crew and I think many of you will be as excited to sample this as I was.

Hecatomb is, as you probably know already, the Midwestern crew of emcees, Dj's and producers that serves as a sort of home base for people like Carnage the Executioner, Capaciti, Concentr8 and also people who's names start with other letters like Desdamona, and the various incarnations of said folks (earlybirds., NEMNOCH, etc.) In these uncertain times it's one of the best ways to listen to that Minnesota sound we all probably grew up on while not having to feel guilty about supporting people with seriously questionable values and morality. I happen to know both Carnage and Capaciti are great folks from my few chances to correspond with them, and I truly believe that they would be unlikely to throw their support behind anyone who would, say, laugh at a sex worker for having the gall to complain about being put in the hospital.

This release is a long time coming. Following the fantastic First Blood compilation back in 2012 I knew would take something special. Hecatomb has a very unique sound that I think can best be summed up as the perfect balance between grit and positivity. There's always something for everyone on these albums, and it seems from this track listing that they've more than delivered. Not only do we have some previously released yet newer material from those folks listed above (as well as some brand new jams) but Hecatomb has expanded it's reach a bit beyond the Twin Cities with Ohio Industrial protest rap rising stars Guerrilla Ghost, and the indie rap veteran emcee Taiyamo Denku, who I haven't really delved much into but seems to be well received by most of us.

So not only does this release offer up some serious heat from the ones we all know and love, it seems like a good place to go to discover some new voices in the industry. And as if that wasn't enough, it's free /  pay what you will. I would say if you can go ahead and show these guys some support with the moneys, or maybe just wait until next year when the official Hecatomb crew album is slated to drop!

Pick up Hecatomb Cometh: New Blood, for free or $1,000,000.00 or maybe even something in between right over hur.

That's it for today friends. Stay safe and possibly send some good thoughts to those of us throughout the country battling some seriously inconvenient natural disasters, because a plague, an aspiring dictator and racist killings really isn't enough to make 2020 memorable in all the wrong ways.


  1. Oh damn!gotta check this. Sidenote:denku recently got called out by a female peer of his for using rape language in his music (some really fucked up bars considering the things that have been going on in indie hip hop) his response was basically a fuck you

    1. Thank you for letting me know. Honestly I remember him coming onto one of these blogs once and being a complete dick about them posting his music. No polite please take this down, immediate cursing and ranting. I've avoided listening to him since. Sad to hear he's not willing to evolve with the times, and that he's on this compilation considering that.

  2. To be fair to hecatomb this happened about a week ago and I'm sure the project was done already
