Friday, July 10, 2020

Asthma and Reese's Pieces - S/T (?)

This week we have a pretty obscure little project from Saskatoon, SK, Canada to share - Asthma and Reese's Pieces' self titled EP. 

I recently had the chance to cop some stuff from Saskatoon legend Epic's personal music collection. When we were going through stuff, he told me that his brother (actual legal brother that is) had a project and asked if I wanted it. It was of course an immediate "yes" from me, and the product was "Asthma and Reese's Pieces." Asthma is Epic's brother, who I only know elsewhere from having a song on the Epic and Nomad collabo album. I have no idea who Reese's Pieces is. 

The 5 track EP sounds very indie and packs a pretty hard punch. Both of the guys are skilled rappers technically and have a lot to say regarding Canadian politics and their personal lives at the time (though I'm not quite sure when "at the time" was, there's no date on the project.) There's no track titles included. 

Peep the project below! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this one. Sounds killer. Got so much underground Canadian stuff in my collection it's always good to hear some of the more obscure releases.
