Thursday, June 4, 2020

Friendly Neighborhood UGF PSA

Hey folks, just a friendly reminder that I don't fuck with racists to any degree. This is not limited to cops murdering black people in American streets either. Both Dimxsk and I live in large cities on the U.S. West Coast so we (he probably more than I) are in tune with that issue, but I realize that for many people, the issue is just a headline. The fact is, lowkey racism is alive and well in Hip Hop, particularly underground Hip Hop. Many people like to use Hip Hop as some "but I'm not racist" shelter that they can take solace in - but that's not it. I'm talking about the white fan whose Top 10 mysteriously includes 7 Caucasian rappers + 2 Latinos thrown in. Or the white fan who likes throwing around terms like "lyrical Hip Hop" or "intelligent Hip Hop" or "real Hip Hop." Or the white fan who likes mocking gangsta rap or mainstream party rap. Or the white fan who literally sits there and counts how many unique words Aesop Rock uses. Fuck all that shit.

Additionally, and I'm only speaking for myself here, I'm not a "let's all have a civil discussion on the issue" type person either. People who are calling for "calm" "peaceful" "civil discussions" do so because they control the means and manner in which those discussions occur as well as the very paradigm in which the terms are defined. They also like "civil discussions" because it risks them nothing, they are able to revert back to the default status quo once the discussion is over. On top of that, "civil discussions" have been going on for decades and the only result has been black deaths. So if "civil discussion" is your answer, I can only assume you want the same result. Finally, there isn't really much to be "discussed" at this point in time. The evidence is all right there. If you need to "discuss" it, you might as well be rejecting it. So here's a friendly fuck off to cops murdering black people, lowkey racist rap fans, and people who want everyone to come together and peacefully come to some conclusion about the pros and cons of treating black people like shit. 

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