Friday, May 22, 2020

Phlegm - Meta4etry: The Tear I Spit Back Up (1999)

For today... I had no idea what to upload. Posters block I guess... Work is distracting, the apocalypse is fizzling out and honestly it's got me feeling weird. So what could possibly better fit the mood than an old offering from the singular Brad Hamers, with Slomoshun as Phlegm. A duo who recorded an album in 2002 called One Night Stands with Out of Tune Instruments in a Room with Blue Wallpaper, an album that actually features out of tune instruments. Probably recorded it in a blue room as well.

Anyway I like these guys and their affiliates. Nobs, Losaka, Eibol, Neanderthal Youth, Dezmatic. The Albany, NY based 3 Sides of a Circle has a very nice take on experimental rap, with more than a touch of old fashioned East Coast style swagger. Introspective, well produced and often catchy, they quietly released a slew of dope albums in the early aughts and for the most part have quieted down. Not so for Brad Hamers who just put out an album as Through Flames that I have yet to listen to, but the lead singles were interesting. Barely rap, more spoken word theatrical noise.

Anyway, Met4etry is one of his earliest releases, and is rough, DIY and definitely not his best work. He hadn't developed his own personality that really makes everything he's done lately so unique, back before the turn of the century. But it's a great thing to hear if you like the rarities enough to dig up UGF, and what the hell gotta have something to irritate the driver next to you when you emerge from your quarantine cocoon.

Enjoy, and I promise you'll have my full attention again when I return in two weeks.