Friday, April 24, 2020

A Dying Breed - In Memory of Tomorrow (2003)

After my long winded but really enjoyable to write review on Wednesday, I'm going to let the music speak a bit more for itself on this one. Especially because, once again, I don't know where I got this, why I got this, or who these guys really are. Maybe those CDBaby gnomes put it on my computer late one night? They're unemployed these days..

Anyway, meet A Dying Breed, and their album In Memory of Tomorrow. They shout out Sea Serpents and Rime Fytahs on their liner notes, so I can guess they're SoCal, and they have a similar raw but lyrical sound and delivery. Cool cover art too. The group consists of Haiku IQ3 (that's IQ cubed), Trife, Sick1, Quest1 and Exodus. This is their one and only album and the only mention I found of it online was a few songs streaming on YouTube from a fan like us, so bet it's rare.

Cool little album, DIY as f*ck. Ya'll should like it.


  1. Havent heard this one. These guys are cola crew related and they do have a couple of albums on youtube. Thanks for this!!

    1. Does the group have an album on youtube or just the individuals? I wouldn't mind hearing more from them either way.

  2. They have a few Dawn of a new era, Low budget rukus, and a self titled one thats on bandcamp actually the other two should be on youtube under dying breed crew. Trife Bomber has a solo album on bandcamp.

  3. Damn thanks I never would've found that~!

  4. Thats neat! Very unique. Also the low budget rukus release. Thanks you. Peace
