Friday, February 14, 2020

Univac - Snocap (2008)

Well, we made it to post #120, and we hope you're all liking the changes to the site, including our new "mission statement" located at the top of the page. I wanted to take a moment to explain the guidelines we use for posting downloads We wanted this blog to offer everyone the opportunity to enjoy some of the rarest rips that folks outside the scene community or not on Soulseek might not have access to. While we're definitely happy if it saves you some money in the process, we aren't trying to discourage anyone from buying something that's still available for what most would consider a reasonable price, be that secondhand or even better, from the artist themselves.

Therefore we won't be posting anything that can be found easily, for free or for what is a fair price. It's just not what we do, there's plenty of sites out there specifically dedicated to offering free music, and we respect that. With our reviews and feature posts we hope that we can build and maintain the kinds of relationships with the artists we love that amount to indifference at the very worst. We don't want to contribute to any hungry children or get any angry messages from hardworking musicians who feel like they're losing out over UGF. I've seen artists go apeshit on blogs and it's not pretty. Trylemma's got skills at finding the rarest OOP fossils and we just wanted to share those with the world.

Finally, a reminder that requests should be submitted via the cbox or the contact form only. Comments on posts should only be discussions about the post.

All that said, we got a request that definitely fit those parameters from foobar, and it's one that I personally looked for for a long while before finding it. It's funny that it's so different from the Boxguts album I reviewed on Wednesday, making my point that good hip hop comes in all forms.

Univac is a folk rap artist from Texas (?) who has collaborated with some of my favorite weirdos including Babelfishh and AbSUrd. His music has a definite alt rock indie feel to it, and he has a great singing voice to go with his melodic production. That's about the sum of what I know about him. He's got a second album available on Bandcamp that I really enjoyed from 2009. A bit Ceschi, a bit Otem Rellik. Definitely for fans of either one or other folkish rappers such as Astronautalis (the older stuff especially) and Filkoe.

Enjoy Snocap, Univac's debut (?) album, and consider picking up These Moments We Shared here from his Bandcamp. It's good stuff. Until next time...


  1. Wow, I really liked this. Truly a hidden gem for me, nobody talking or mentioning it on google or even showing any interest in it on Discogs. I only recognized Babelfishh were on it, but beside that I didnt have a clue what to expect.
    Often when albums are so forgotten most of them isnt this dope.
    Thanks for digging this treasure up!!

    1. I agree, I love this style of hip hop. I dunno if you saw it but for our 6 months I uploaded a mix I made of music from guys Univac works with, Edison and Lewee Regal and Papervehicle. You'll probably like that a lot.

  2. Great post! Univac is truly a hidden gem! Thank you.


    Heres a vid of his people might not have seen

    1. Thanks for this! Did he put out anything besides Snocap and These Moments We Shared that you know of?

  4. Just these sc tracks really, but these are great too.
