Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Xmas Post (Shape Shifters, Onry Ozzborn, Ira Lee)!

From both of us to...both of you - Happy Holladaze from UGF! To celebrate, we're sharing Sixtoo's and Cee!!!!!!!!'s classic "Jesus Christ Never Existed" - because it's true. Jk jk jk. We've got a triple share for ya'll today. 

First up is The Shape Shifters' first known release from 1993 - "Shape Shifters..." Note that this is the Shifters before Existereo, before Circus, before Awol One! According to the notes, the members were Relm, Smooth ER (who's that?,) Gary Gnu, Perk, and Mek. We're talking OG here folks. I have two versions of this (actually 3,) each slightly different. Enjoy this version today! 

Next up is a weird little thing from Onry Ozzborn - noted as "Archives" on the cassette. The product is an early version of Onry's "Owleye" (which was a compilation of sorts itself.) It has most of the tracks from that project mixed in with a track from "Zero" and a couple unknown instrumentals. I believe this also went as "8 Track Oddities" at one point. #NorthWest

Last up is from our friends up north - the great Reality and D-Mic! If you've never heard of Reality or D-Mic must not be a real Hip Hop fan. Or perhaps it's because you have never heard the one copy of this beat up cassette that they recorded decades ago and never released to the public. Chances are, you probably have heard of Reality and D-Mic though, just under their more contemporary names, Ira Lee and DJ Kutdown, respectively. This was a little demo they recorded way back when, consisting of four tracks (well, technically two, but you'll see.) They played it for friends but it never got an official release or anything and only exists on this cassette procured from Kutdown himself...until now.

Well, there you have it folks, enjoy the holidays! Check back on Friday for our last "Best of the Decade" posts - Top Albums of the Decade! 


  1. Yo could you actually share that jesus christ never existed? Never got to hear that, only 1 track.
    This is great stuff, THANK YOU!
