Friday, October 18, 2019

Max Prime - Amateur Years (?)

Today's post is another mini-mystery release from a now mini-mystery artist.

"Amateur Years" is a project I got online sometime ago from Canada's Max Prime. I can't really find any info about when it was released, what exactly it is, or if it's even a legit release. Based on the tracks, it doesn't look like a fanmade release, however, so I chose to post it here. 

Based on the title, I'm guessing these tracks are taken from Prime's early days, though if you're a fan of Prime you'll likely find more of what you like here (and if you're not a fan, this isn't going to change your mind.) There's a lot of rappity rap raps, which I can handle and enjoy in small doses when not taken too seriously. There's also, however, a handful of weirder more fun tracks like "Ocularis" and "Cosmic Astronauts." Add-Vice, Ben.E.Elim, and Conspiracy, amongst others, stop by for verses.

If anyone has any further info about this release or any of the tracks, please let me know! Prime himself is becoming a "missing" man as he has stepped away from the music scene with little trace (leaving a note here or there to let everyone know he's ok and maybe has a couple more tracks left in him?) Enjoy! 

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