Friday, September 6, 2019

Write Brothers (Nolto & Dren) - Weathered Wings

Most of you probably know Nolto most for his incredible trilogy of concept albums with the great Factor. Dig a little deeper, however, and you'll find further jewels like today's post: Write Brothers' "Weathered Wings." 

Write Brothers are Nolto and Dren (both of whom are still occasionally active in the scene) and "Weathered Wings," as far as I know, is the duo's only full-length album (though I'm not exactly sure when it came out.) If you enjoy Nolto's work with Factor, you'll almost certainly enjoy this project as well. There's a lot of prairie-esque whimsical yet melodic production accompanied by some well-constructed societal, political, and humorous rhymes. The project isn't as tight as Nolto's collabos with Factor, but, generally speaking, it fits in pretty well with that legacy line. 

The sound quality on this varies (it's ripped from an old CDR that Nolto sent me back in the day) but it is well worth the listen. Rumor has it that Nolto and Dren are currently working on a new EP entitled "Sit-Down Comedy" which will hopefully drop sometime soon! 


  1. This album was recorded sometime between 1999-2001. The album cover is a poorly photo-shopped and filtered photo of Dren on a trampoline, made to look like he's jumping off a roof. Thanks, always, for your support and enthusiasm Trylemma.

    1. Great info thanks man! We're both definitely fans, looking forward to the new material whenever it's fit for public consumption.
