Friday, August 16, 2019

Manraygun & Ira Lee - Untitled LP (2006)

This one's a real treasure in my collection. When he sent it Ira told me that only around 4 other people have this album, and they're definitely lucky. More of a folk / indie rock venture than his rap oriented projects, this little album really stresses Ira Lee's amazing talent as a conceptual songwriter and singer.

I don't know anything about Manraygun beyond the fact that they're a folk rock outfit that have released a solo album as well, and collaborated with Ira on two other previously released tracks, "Magpie" from More Amazing Than Crazy and "Lamento Cortejo" from Cooler Than Cucumbers Records' compilation Salades de Concombres Vol. 1 (that compilation is amazing and free to download right here). "Lamento Coretejo" is featured on this record, and for those of you who've heard it it gives a good idea of what to expect from the rest of these tracks.

This version of the album is missing a track, I've been in touch with Ira to try and "track" (haha...) it down but he's not getting back to me. I have a guess that it's "Magpie" and when he put together More Amazing he just cut and pasted the file from one folder to the other. Maybe I'm wrong, but that explanation satisfies the OCD in me that grumbles about having an incomplete work.

And what a work it is. It contains, among other gems a toned down and beautiful version of "The Night Arturro Gatti Died", which is remixed by Ira and petitBIG on the Unreleased Ira Lee album which had a short lived tenure on his Bandcamp back in 2012. We may post that one as well. When it comes to Ira Lee Trylemma and I are big fans, and we've got some pretty cool rarities from him in the vaults. Ira did a lot, sadly most of it never saw widespread release.

Enough from me, enjoy this one!

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