Friday, August 9, 2019

Anonymous Inc. - Anonymous Inc. (Original Version) (2000)

We're continuing with the Ceschi love this week with 2000's Anonymous Inc. self-titled album - the original version!

This particular version was sold by the Anonymous Inc. guys at the 2000 Broke Ass Summer Jam (for $5.00 according to Ceschi.) The disc art (and sticker) is another creation by the late great Jon Nagel (who also did the artwork for the subsequent 2001 official version.) 

The body of this version of the album is very similar to the 2001 version that I'm sure most of you have heard. There are, however, various sonic differences between the two versions, as well as some tracks that are exclusive to one version or the other. 

There's not much to say about this project overall that hasn't yet been said. So enjoy some early versions of this great album!

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