Friday, June 7, 2019

Mr. Gene Poole + Divine - Faslehopes2 (2002)

Happy Friday! Once again I want to give a huge thank you to our friend realybe, for not only sending us this rarity but also a few others that we will unearth for you as time goes on...

I remember seeing a post on Reddit as I looked for the missing pieces of my False Hopes collection claiming that this EP was lost to the sands of time. Luckily that's not the case, and I'm happy to be able to offer you Mr. Gene Poole and Divine's Falsehopes2.

Mr. Gene Poole is one of the founding members of Headshots (probably needless to say, but the origin of the hugely popular and equally as controversial Rhymesayers Entertainment), as well as the Dynospectrum. Along with his crew Phull Surkle he can be heard on every Headshots tape. This is his earliest release that I know of, and one of the earliest from the Doomtree label (the only one before being POS + Cecil Otter's Falsehopes (not Mega!!, the original)). As for Divine, all I can find out is that he also goes by the name Beautiful Bobby Gorgeous, which probably means he's either very beautiful or not very beautiful.

I haven't actually had a chance to listen to it yet, but I know for a fact this one's hard to find and I figured even if it was a bit mediocre at least a few of you would be happy to have it, if only for the sake of a complete Doomtree digital discography.

Enjoy the weekend!

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