Wednesday, April 24, 2019

New Music: Hurricane Party - Mixxxtape Pt. 2: Loser Ill L3wdin

Happy Wednesday! So first and foremost, we want to give a huge shout out to Ceschi for posting our Sad, Fat Luck review. We've had a ton of views since then and it's really exciting to watch that happen, and it couldn't have happened without amazing musicians like Ceschi putting out honest and dope music to fuel the fire. I saw Ceschi on tour recently, easily the best show I've ever had the privilege to attend. Anyone else reading this needs to hit up the "Sad, Fat Luck Tour", go to any of these cities, you won't regret it! UGF <3's Ceschi!

"That Hurricane Party is low-key amazing" - Trylemma, on Loser Ill L3wdin

Ahem, anyway for this weeks review we're excited to bring you news about RickoLus and Bleubird's newest collection of jams as Hurricane Party, Mixxxtape Pt. 2: Loser Ill L3wdin. Both the cover and the title are a tongue in cheek reference to Guns n Roses, for no real reason, and along with the googly eyes that came in the shipment it's totally in character for the duo. Hurricane Party is all about having fun, clowning, partying and good times in general. And also Florida, can't forget that.

I'm currently a member of RickoLus's Patreon (found here), so I had the privilege of hearing "LIVN" quite a while ago and I knew immediately we were in for something good. I'm a big fan of RickoLus as a solo artist as well as on the numerous collaborations he's put out both within and without the hip hop genre. I've also liked Bleubird going back to RIP USA, but my only minor complaint about his work would be that his (especially older) songs sometimes lacked a finished quality. These seemed to blur the line between interlude and official song and they weren't bad by any means, but I sometimes found it frustrating knowing how f*cking dope Bleubird could be when he wanted to. He's moved away from this as he's grown as an artist, but I believe his clear talent and unique vision deserve to be heard in the best possible form and working with RickoLus seems to be it.

Mxxx Tape Pt. 1 sounded to me a lot like Beck, with indie pop roots laced with dope rhymes by Bleubird and catchy vocal hooks by RickoLus. Mixxxtape Pt. 2 goes in a bit of a different direction sonically, with a more electronic production style courtesy of, apparently, "Some Chill Dolphin with an iPod". No idea who this is, but I suspect he's Rick who isn't a dolphin but may well own an iPod. Also credited on beats are Devereauxxx and DJ Grodon. Additionally we find, among others, James P Honey offering up some vocals on "Space Mountain", a very interesting choice for a party oriented pop record but a musician I'm always happy to hear from. Both tapes blend sophisticated musicianship with catchy pop sensibilities into something accessible enough for the casual listener and unique enough for the more discerning music fan.

Loser Ill L3wdin veers from a hardcore party anthem ("XOXOXO"), to a hometown jam ("Swamp"), to a jaded look at the industry ("Rollercoaster") to a history of the band ("Juice Eagle") all the way to a talkin' blues style story about Brno, CZ ("Brno Car Tow Blues"). The lyrics are in some places pretty outlandish and funny ("Sunset Jet-Ski"), but always heartfelt and real. We have here two regular dudes (with amazing talent) who love making music and work together for the pure enjoyment of it, and this translates into something just as enjoyable to listen to. While you won't strain your brain finding hidden meanings in these tracks (it's just not that kind of music, but it ain't dumb either), it would be next to impossible not to find something one at least enjoys on this tape, and I truly think the quality bodes pretty well for the upcoming full length album Juice.

See below for RickoLus and Bleubird going hard on a few songs from the first mixtape below.

So, I was just informed that unfortunately this tape is sold out! Hoping that doesn't make my review totally irrelevant. It does mean that at some point in the misty future we might share a rip of this when it's fully "fossilized", but you can also still get a few exclusive singles from the B-Side here, and definitely keep an eye out for Juice coming out this June. Stay tuned!

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