Wednesday, January 23, 2019

New Music: Eekwol & T-Rhyme - F.W.B.W. (For Women By Women)

This week's new music comes from Eekwol, a Canadian legend at this point, and T-Rhyme, another Canadian rapper who I'm not too familiar with, and their new album "F.W.B.W." It should be noted from the jump that I took a large risk listening to this one as the intro track made it very clear that this project is to be heard only by women (one of whom I am not) and that men (one of whom I am) need not tune in. With that said, I'm glad I took the risk because "F.W.B.W." is a pretty solid project. 

The first half of the album creates a very cool mesh between retro synths and rhymes about the daily struggles that women face and women's general gut reactions to such situations. The second half is more boom bappy (with some nice strings and flutes in the mix) with the rhymes focusing more on philosophical reactions to the problems the rappers identify. Eekwol and T-Rhyme have pretty good chemistry together, though Eekwol is clearly the star of the first half, while T-Rhyme shines much brighter near the end (her solo track is easily my fav. off the project.) My biggest complaint is that there are times where various other social problems are brought up (racism against Natives, attacks on tradition, mental disorder misclassification) yet the rappers never do much to connect those issues to the main sexism theme of the project. There's also a couple times where the rappers bring up a sexism issue and then brush off (seemingly with a laugh) what they view as the sexist man's perspective, yet in doing so, it sometimes seems like they also brush off the original issue, thus making the sexist look innocently dumb as opposed to potentially dangerous. Good collection of songs though, Eekwol continues to impress and I'll definitely be checking for more T-Rhyme in the future.

Stream the new album on Spotify and/or purchase it digitally (no word on whether physical copies will be made) on iTunes

Also, big shout out to the OG Ludz03 (RIP to his great blog.) He hooked Dimxsk up with something off his wantlist and sent some extra goodies along with it. 

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