Friday, November 23, 2018

First Post! (Intro)

Hello, welcome to UGF. This is the first of hopefully many posts, mostly for me to familiarize myself with the format (not a computer person) and provide an introduction to what we are about. So, like we said above this blog is about sharing underground rap that's difficult to find. Stuff we've gotten from the artist, hand to hand sites, merch tables at shows, found under couch cushions, dug out of graves at midnight etc. Our goal is a weekly post, starting with a few items including something very special that's on it's way to my hands as we speak. Use the message thing on the side to request anything in particular, or offer something. Anything from the Holy Grail list we get our hands on will also be shared.

This blog will launch formally on 1/01/19.



  1. Thank you so much ... iam super interesting in this Stuff . :)
